Friday, October 8, 2021

29 Eric Worre's Quotes That Will Help You Succeed in Network Marketing

Eric Worre has been a leader in the Network Marketing Profession for over 25 years. He's been a top field producer, building sales organizations totaling over 500,000 distributors in over 60 countries. He is also the co-founder and president of his own company, TPN (The People's Network), and a high-level marketing consultant to the Network Marketing Profession.

Today I've listed 29 of his quotes that will help you succeed in Network Marketing. As usual, our best picks and a special video are prepared below. Enjoy.

1. "More and more companies will choose to use Network Marketing because it fits the New Economy. They can provide all the corporate support and pay distributors on a purely performance basis to promote their products. It's extremely efficient because in the New Economy, word-of-mouth advertising continues to work better than any other form of promotion. The company can just take the money they would have spent on advertising and promotion and pay it to their distributors to spread the word."

2. "The greatest benefit isn't getting what you want. The greatest benefit is what you'll need to become in order to get what you want."

This image includes a quote from Eric Worre

3. "You must accept a temporary loss of social esteem from ignorant people."

4. "Remember, our goal is education and understanding. It's not to win an argument. Our job is to help blind people see. When someone brings up a negative question or if they offer you an objection, all they are really doing is helping you identify one of their blind spots."

5. "If you succeed in this business, it's going to be you who creates that success, not me. And if you fail in this business, it's going to be you who creates that failure, not me. you are going to be the difference between success or failure. I'm here to guide you every step of the way, but I can't do it for you. I'm here to work with you, but not for you."

6. "You can tell the size of a man by the size of the problem that gets him down."

7. "Challenge to succeed."

This image includes a quote from Eric Worre

8. "I realized that to earn more, I needed to become more."

9. "My world changed when I started focusing on the skills and made the commitment to practice, practice, practice, until I mastered them."

10. "This sounds easy but it's difficult to do. All of us come into this business with the hope of recruiting some great people. It's hard to disconnect from those expectations. But you need to remember, we're not hunters. We're not sharks. Our job is to educate people and help them understand what we have to offer. We act as consultants offering suggestions on how people can live a better life."

11. "There's nothing wrong with selling. The sales people of the world drive the economy. People in Network Marketing are 'Super Salespeople'. We educate the world."

This image includes a quote from Eric Worre

12. "If you want something so bad you are willing to fight for it, then you are on the right track"

13. "In the future, you're only going to be paid for performance. You won't be paid for your time anymore."

14. "There will always be a good reason to quit and there will always be a good reason to keep going. Decide what kind of person you are going to be."

15. "Don't ever let anyone convince you that you can't do something."

This image includes a quote from Eric Worre

16. "Don't let average people make you feel guilty for pursuing your mission in life."

17. "Be careful when you blindly follow the masses. Sometimes, the M is silent."

18. "Measure yourself only against your previous self."

19. "You don't need to be a millionaire to be considered a network marketing success story. The fact that you are making progress and taking charge of your life is enough."

This image includes a quote from Eric Worre

20. "'It is what it is', the language of the mediocre. Leaders change things for the better."

21. "Too many people get trapped in repeating the same day over and over."

22. "An entrepreneur that isn't interested in selling stuff isn't an entrepreneur."

23. "Most people set goals to get. There is a better way. Instead, try setting your goals based on personal growth and contribution to others."

24. "Growth and contribution. If you are growing as a person and you are contributing to the lives of others, you will be amazed at what can happen to your life."

25. "If you are waking up with the sensation that there has got to be more in life, then there is."

26. "The day that turns your life around is the day when you say, 'Enough. I've had it. I'm not living like this anymore."

27. "You want change? Take charge!"

28. "The greatest investment you could ever make is in your own personal development. If you want to live a more exciting life, become a more powerful person."

This image includes a quote from Eric Worre

29. "It's what you learn after you leave formal education that determines your level of success."

Video owned by Evan Carmichael

See his book here:

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