Thursday, August 19, 2021

How To Win in Life: Using the Power of Affirmations

    One of the key reasons why successful people are winning in life is that THEY BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES, IN THEIR WORKS, AND IN THE WAYS OF THE UNIVERSE. These people have faith, have always been optimistic about getting their desires even when being faced with many challenges and obstacles. They only see the bright side of anything and EVERYTHING.

Yet you guys may wonder....

    How did these people only see those things? What made them so optimistic about reaching their goals when there's a lot of difficulties going on these days? 

    I know... I know... There's pandemic and there are some financial crisis everywhere, but you see, these things don't bother them. Their power do not depend on what's outside their bodies, instead, their power comes from within themselves, to be specific, their own minds. They have conditioned their minds to only see the positive. They have trained their minds to look for solutions rather than problems. They have use their minds to work for their own benefit. Our minds are that powerful that it can actually create our physical reality. 

    Now, let me ask you this. How do you think they condition their minds? What made their beliefs so strong that even though many tried to sway it, it won't?

    The answer? AFFIRMATIONS.

    Affirmations are declarations to oneself; positive statements about having and being what you desire. The repetition of these affirmations allows the mind to see them as truths and only natural to possess, and just like what I mentioned earlier, our minds create our reality. Our thoughts turn into things.

    So, does it mean that we only have to repeat those affirmations again and again to change our lives? Yes and No. Now this might be really confusing, but don't worry, I'll help you out.

    Affirmations are really helpful to guide our minds to the path we want for our lives. Let's just say, we feed our minds with positive things so that our minds can fully function and direct our lives better. By feeding, we're directing, and by directing, we're guiding. Made sense?

    Now here's the "but". 

    If you were already in action, doing a business of your own, for example, and you were stressing out because you somewhat feel like you're stuck and the business isn't going really well, then having affirmations can help you out. Affirmations like:

    - My business is doing really well.

    - I always have new customers every day.

    - My business is booming and my sales are increasing every month.

    - Many businessmen are investing in my company.

    - I have the power to transform challenges into opportunities.

    Repetition of affirmations, such as these, helps the mind to attract opportunities and solutions, thus, can change or transform your current situation into something better.

    On the other hand, only reading affirmations without having the sense of responsibility to act for it, may not be helpful at all. You see, in order to reflect your thoughts into reality, there should always be an action. For example, you want to live a life of being a millionaire so you use this kind of affirmation: "I am a Millionaire". So then, the mind came up with solutions, that can lead you towards your millionaire life. However, you don't like the idea of hustling, doing special projects, selling and endorsing, and you were like too lazy to act for it. Do you think the affirmation works? Yes, of course. But does it change your life? Apparently, no.

     Affirmation is a good tool to boost your speed towards what you desire, but changing our lives requires more than that. In order to change your life, you must be willing to change, be willing to learn, be willing to fail, be willing to take risks, and be willing to do what it takes to win our desires. Affirmations are really helpful to change one's life but the most important factor is YOU.

    Now, to give thanks for reading my post until the end, I've compiled all the best affirmations out there in the internet. You won't need to waste your time looking at different blogs or different websites to have the right and suited affirmations for you, because it's already right here! 

    THIS E-BOOK THAT I'M SHARING WITH YOU HAS IT ALL and the best part of it is that, it is ABSOLUTELY FREE for those who have KINDLE UNLIMITED. For more details about this book, click here.

    Hope you find the best affirmation for you. Good luck!

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