Monday, February 22, 2021

The Reality Within: Everything is Your Own Reflection

    Our reality is the result majority of our own beliefs. The way we see things is a belief. How we decide to things is based on our belief. How we act, what we speak are basically glimpses of our own beliefs.

    Our belief is a combination of thoughts and feelings. Some are created by oneself while some are inherited and learned from the people we are closed with. Normally, what our parents believed are being passed to us during our childhood. They are our first teachers and they play an important factor in our lives by being our role models. The first meanings we relate to everything we saw as a child are the meanings our parents have taught us, directly or indirectly. For a child's perception is limitless, they can learn as many as they can more than what adults can do. This is the reason why childhood is said to be the programming stage of life because ideas and meanings just flow through the mind and yet there are no limiting beliefs that may hinder these thoughts to enter. However, these beliefs we accumulated as a child may not continue to stay as it is, some may change and some may be disowned. As we grow older and as we meet more people in our lives, the possibility of acquiring new beliefs increases. How we perceive things may vary from what most people in our circle think and feel, by always being in-touch with people who have different perspectives.

    For a belief to come in play, action is very much required. Action indicates and justifies our beliefs. Once an action is repeated numerous times, there comes our habits. Our habits are actions we put in a lot of time which has then recorded by our subconscious mind or the mind that never forgets. The life we have today may not seem different to the life we have tomorrow due to our habits. When one is not aware of his actions, the auto-pilot comes in - our subconscious mind, doing the same old actions thus creating the same old results. Changing your life is as easy or as hard as changing your habits, for habits may not only define your present but also predict your future.

    Our subconscious mind is a storage of our beliefs, habits, skills, memories, and the guidance system we created by protecting oneself from painful past experiences. Majority of our time is ruled by this auto-pilot, doing the same things today as what we did yesterday. It is then important to know whether or not what we store in our subconscious mind are things that are aligned to our goals.

    Thought is the language of the mind and emotion is the language of the body. Our emotions represent our feelings towards a certain thought that is cultivated by our beliefs and memories. These emotions are the ones responsible for sending out what's within, making itself a huge factor that influences our physical reality thus creating a mirroring effect between the world within ourselves that is ruled by our beliefs and the world presented to us by means of our senses. Yet, it is important to remember that our senses are not the ones responsible for creating meanings of what we sensed, but it is the mind, with the existence of beliefs, that created them. Therefore, there really is no such thing as "outside world" but only a reality that you created on your own.

    Thoughts are free energies having frequencies anyone can actually tune in on. This is the reason why it is possible for people to know what others think - telepathy as what it is called. Since this is true, our thoughts may affect how people interact with us, especially when our thoughts are mixed up with our feelings. People in our circle can catch what is in our mind, which may not be specific, by interpreting our emotions . These people will act accordingly to their beliefs of what is right to do, considering the interpretation they had with our emotions and what they had grasped from the frequency of our thoughts. 

    This is no different from how people show themselves in front of us. The world we are living in is too good that whatever we think, we get. Whatever seemed to be true for us, it'll show. If we see a person as someone lovable, the physical reality will show you how lovable that person is. if we see a person as a living mistake, the physical reality will show you continuously the mistakes of that person. One cannot change the physical reality without changing oneself - what's within.

    People having the same frequency of thoughts most likely to come together same as how people make friends who have the same taste in terms of hobbies, likes, and have the same values and life principles. It is then true to say that our personality can be described based on the personalities our friends possessed and it is no question that our lifestyle is similar to theirs. We, people, always accept what we felt like similar to us, what it seems to be in alignment of our beliefs, and what it seems for us to be true.

The "Miracle" of Ho'oponopono

 A doctor in Hawaii named Ihaleakala Hew Len managed to cure mentally-ill criminals without talking or interacting with any of them, by using the technique called Ho'oponopono.

Ho'oponopono is a method where one is required to say or think, to oneself, these four powerful phrases: "I'm sorry"; "Forgive me"; "Thank you"; "I love you". The essence of this technique is to cure others through forgiveness, not necessarily the forgiveness of others but of one self, realizing that whatever reality we have: how people treat us and interact with us, how people see us in their perspective, how circumstances appear in front of us, is only a reflection of how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive them, that everything we know as reality is experienced individually by our mind. To summarize everything, Len was able to heal the prisoners as he was healing himself.

    We are what we attract and we attract what we are. What we want, in accordance with our innermost beliefs, are manifested in many different forms. People, places, situations, events, challenges, opportunities are all manifestations of what we believe is true. They happen to exist in our reality because we permit them to: we have thought about them, we have felt them already happening, and we believe it is real. There is no way that these manifestations appear without the consent of this life's creator - YOU.

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