Saturday, September 4, 2021

54 Bob Proctor's Rules and Wisdom for Success

Bob Proctor is the Global CEO of the Proctor Gallagher Institute; a well-known author of success books including You Were Born Rich, The Art of Living, and It’s Not About The Money; a philosopher, and widely known for his success story and his ability to motivate and inspire individuals around the world.

Here, I've listed 54 Bob Proctor's Rules and Wisdom for Success. Watch out for our best picks and stay in touch to watch the video at the end.

1. “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time with every person.”

2. “Don’t be an extra in your own movie. Move out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Step out and make it happen.”

3. “When you react, you are giving away your power. When you respond, you are staying in control of yourself.”

4. “The only limits in our life are those that we impose on ourselves.”

5. “Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our mind.”

6. “Remember – no limitation can be placed on you by any one but yourself. With your imagination, you have a unique ability to draw on an infinite source of supply. There is power in thought.”

7. “Stay in charge of you, don’t let the outside world control you.”

8. “Know what is happening around you. Be in control of what’s happening within you.”

This image includes a quote from Bob Proctor

9. “Don’t be a victim of negative self-talk. Remember, you are listening.”

10. “Set a goal to achieve something that is so big. So exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time.”

11. “Once you make the decision, you will find all the people, resources, and ideas you need every time.”

12. “Always ask yourself this question, ‘Is this going to help me get to my goal or not?’”

13. “People who are interested in doing something will do it when it’s convenient. People who are committed will do it no matter what.”

14. “By visualizing your goal already completed, you flip your mind onto the frequency that contains the way that it will be attracted to you.”

This image includes a quote from Bob Proctor

15. “Everything you are seeking is seeking you. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So you don’t have to get anything. It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.”

16. “Everyone should have a sense of urgency – it is getting a lot done in a short period of time in a calm confident manner.”

17. “Lack of time is really a lack of priorities.”

18. “You can’t just think and grow rich, you’ve got to do something with those thoughts.”

19. “Science and Psychology have isolated that one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself.”

20. “Our attitude is the environment we carry with us during the day. It proclaims to the world what we think of ourselves and indicates the sort of person we have made up our minds to be. It is the person we will become. How’s your attitude today?”

21. “The law of prosperity is generosity. If you want more, give more.”

22. “Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker, to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being. It’s a phenomenal lesson.”

23. “You will attract everything that you require. If its money you need, you will attract it. If its people you need, you’ll attract it. You’ve got to pay attention to what you’re attracted to, because as you hold images of what you want, you’re going to be attracted to things and they’re going to be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you, and it does that by law.”

This image includes a quote from Bob Proctor

24. “There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within.”

25. “Everything has been created twice, once on a mental plane and one on a physical plane. What you think about you bring about.”

26. “Become personally involved with your dream and make it a priority, or it will never become a reality.”

27. “See yourself where you want to be and then be there. Don’t be in the past. Be there! Act like the person you want to become.”

28. “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”

29. “Being a winner is never an accident; winning comes about by design, determination, and positive action.”

30. “You must do what others won’t, commit and stay the course.”

31. “Outward change comes after we change from within.”

32. “You can only move ahead by letting go of old ideas.”

33. “You may avoid suffering and sorrow if you don’t risk, but you simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, and love. The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risk nothing, does nothing and has nothing. Only a person who risk can be free.”

34. “You’re going to find people that make it work never quit. Quitting is not an option.”

35. “The only competition you will ever face is your own ignorance.”

This image includes a quote from Bob Proctor

36. “Doubt and worry freezes people. Don’t sit wondering if you can do something, just go do it. Doubt of any kind can be ended with action.”

37. “Regardless of what happens today, realize it is the beginning of something good.”

38. “Money is valuable only as long as it is being used; it is meant to be used enjoyed and circulated.”

39. “Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible, and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible.”

40. “All of the great achievers of the past have been visionary figures, they were men and women who projected into the future. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was, and then they moved themselves into action, to bring these things into fruition.”

41. “Change is constant and inevitable, but personal growth is a choice.”

42. “Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there.”

This image includes a quote from Bob Proctor

43. “Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.”

44. “The fear of making a decision is the result of fearing to make a mistake – the truth is, the fear o mistakes has a greater impact on you than making the mistakes.”

45. “Anyone who has ever accomplished anything of any consequence didn’t know how to get what they want, they only knew that they were going to get it. You don’t know how to do something, until after you’ve done it. Our problem is, we set goals to do what we think we can do or what we’ve already done. There’s no inspiration in that.”

46. “Don’t let your present problems defeat you. The Chinese have a saying that if you live with a disaster for three years, it will turn into a blessing. Look back in your own life at what appeared to be a devastating situation five or ten years ago. Many of those situations were the turning point that caused a number of great things to happen in your future.”

47. “Sit down and write it down with a pen and then make up your mind you are going to do it. Don’t spend any time thinking of why you can’t. The fun is not getting it, the fun is in growing. Goals are to help us grow, goals are to help us get. The getting is a side benefit, the growth is the real benefit.”

48. “One difference between successful people and all the rest is that, successful people take action.”

This image includes a quote from Bob Proctor

49. “You can’t escape from a prison until you recognize you are in one. People who have chosen to live within the limits of their own beliefs continue to have the same experiences. It takes effort and commitment to break old patterns.”

50. “People who make decisions go to the top. Those who fail to make decisions go nowhere.”

51. “Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it.”

52. “The ability to self-motivate is a cornerstone of true wealth.”

53. “I treat winning and losing exactly the same. I see them both as necessary steps to get us where we are going. Big failures, big lessons. Little failure, little lessons.”

54. “You can do anything if you put your focus on how to do it rather than on why you can’t.”

Video owned by Evan Carmichael

 Learn more from Bob Proctor by reading his books!

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