Friday, September 24, 2021

32 Esther Hicks' Quotes About Happiness and Manifestation

Whenever the Law of Attraction is being discussed, the name 'Esther Hicks' always come in the spotlight. Though many misinterpreted and do not fully understand her esoteric teachings, I find her lessons deep and meaningful.

Esther Hicks is inspirational speaker and author, famously known for her teachings about the Law of Attraction. She has co-authored nine books with her late husband, Jerry Hicks; presented numerous workshops with Abraham-Hicks Publications; and has appeared in the 2006 film, 'The Secret'.

Today, I've listed 32 Quotes of Esther Hicks about happiness and manifestation that are worth reading and reflecting. As always, we have prepared our best picks within this blog, and a video at the end for you to indulge and see.

1. "Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It's the answer to getting everything that you want."

2. "Being happy is a very personal thing, and it really has nothing to do with anyone else."

3. "When you reach for the thought that feels better, the universe is now responding differently to you because of that effort. And so, the things that follow you get better and better, too. So it gets easier to reach for the thought that feels better, because you are on ever-increasing, improving platforms that feel better."

4. "Stop asking others to be the change that you need in order to feel better. That is the freedom that you are looking for."

5. "If you're not excited about it, it's not the right path."

6. "When you focus on the good, the good get's better."

This picture includes a quotation from Esther Hicks

7. "Look for good things about where you are, and in your state of appreciation, you lift al self-imposed limitations - and all limitations are self-imposed - and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things."

This picture includes a quotation from Esther Hicks

8. "If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you, no one else can do it. It is only you, every bit of it, you.

9. "It is our promise to you - if you write things you appreciate in others, in life and in yourself, you will have such dramatic change in 30 days. And if you continued for 6 months, the change will be so powerful, so strong, that others who know you will not recognize the old you."

10. "The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff - it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel."

11. "When something really really really matters to you, let it go! Say to the universe: 'You know what I want. Give it to me in the path of least resistance. Give it to me the easiest way possible. Give it to me in any way I can get it.'"

12. "Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating, you are planning. What are you planning?"

13. "Like the air you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you. Your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be."

14. "Your work is to create the feeling in yourself even before you have the marriage, even before you have the money, even before you have the thing, even before you have the property."

15. "The universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want."

16. "When you believe something is hard, the universe demonstrates the difficulty. When you believe something is easy, the universe demonstrates the ease."

17. "What you are living is the evidence of what you are thinking and feeling - every single time."

18. "Alignment trumps everything. Stay off the subject that disturbs your alignment, and everything that you are about will come into alignment."

19. "Everything is unfolding perfectly, and as you relax and find ease in your attitude of trust, knowing that well-being is your birth-right, amazing things will happen. Things the likes of which you have not seen before."

20. "The universe does not know whether the vibration that your offering is because of something you're observing or something you're remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it."

21. "Upon waking, let your first thought be 'thank you'. A belief is only a thought you continue to think: and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality."

22. "You're not manifesting, you're creating the environment that allows the manifestation."

This picture includes a quotation from Esther Hicks

23. "If something you want is slow to come to you, it can only be for one reason: you are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence."


This picture includes a quotation from Esther Hicks

24. "Your life - and everyone else in the universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them. You can literally script any life that you desire, and the universe will deliver to you the people, places, and events just as you decide them to be. For you are the creator of your own experience - you have only to decide it and allow it to be."

25. "Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize."

This picture includes a quotation from Esther Hicks

26. "The rule of thumb is you never take action when there is negative emotion within you because it will always be counterproductive. Always talk to yourself until you feel better and then follow the inspired action that comes from an open valve."

27. "There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right."

28. "The greatest thing you can give yourself is freedom from what others think."

29. "People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you."

30. "Decrease your willingness to endure discomfort."

31. "The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork raise."

This picture includes a quotation from Esther Hicks

32. "Make more decisions everyday. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you because often, you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force."

Video from Abraham-Hicks Publication

See her books here.

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