Saturday, September 25, 2021

25 Michelle Obama's Inspirational Quotes To Live By

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is an American attorney, author, and mostly known as the first African-American first lady of the United States, being the wife of former President Barack Obama, from year 2009 to 2017. Her famous book,  "Becoming" have inspired and motivated millions of people not just in her country but all over the world.

Today, I've listed Michelle Obama's 25 Inspirational Quotes to Live by. As usual, we have our best picks prepared for you and a special video at the end of this list. So sit tight, relax, read, and be inspired! 

1. "Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own."

2. "The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them."

3. "Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work for the world as it should be?"

This picture includes a quote from Michelle Obama.

4. "Don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own."

5. "I don't want young women out there to have the expectation that if they're not having it all that somehow they're failing."

6. "As women and young girls, we have to invest that time in getting to understand who we are and liking who we are."

7. "Friendships between women, as any woman will tell you, are built of a thousand small kindnesses, swapped back and forth and over again."

8. "We should always have three friends in our lives: one who walks ahead who we look up to and follow; one who walks beside us, who is with us every step of our journey; and then, one who reach back for and bring along after we cleared the way."

This picture includes a quote from Michelle Obama.

9. "When you've worked hard and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you."

10. "Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own."

11. "The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued."

12. "You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen."

13. "If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's the power of using your voice. I tried my best to speak the truth."

This picture includes a quote from Michelle Obama.

14. "I have had to learn that my voice has value. And if I don't use that, what's the point of being in the room?"

15. "Always stay true to yourself and never let somebody else says distract you from your goals."

16. "Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down, and trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. they feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's not just somebody you want to marry, but it's with the friends that you choose. It's with the people you surround yourselves with."

17. "Failure is an important part of your growth and developing resilience. Don't be afraid to fail."

18. "Failure is a feeling long before it becomes an actual result. It's vulnerability that breeds with self-doubt and then is escalated, often deliberately, by fear."

This picture includes a quote from Michelle Obama.

19. "If you don't get out there and define yourself, you'll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others."

20. "Just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who think differently."

21. "For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn't end."

This picture includes a quote from Michelle Obama.

22. "Everyone on Earth, they'd tell us, was carrying around a unseen history, and that alone deserved some tolerance."

23. "It's remarkable how a stereotype functions as an actual trap. How many 'angry black women' have been caught in the circular logic of that phrase, 'When you aren't listened to, why wouldn't you get louder?' If you're written off as angry or emotional, doesn't that just cause more of the same?"

This picture includes a quote from Michelle Obama.

24. "Life was teaching me that progress and change happen slowly. Not in two years, four years or even a lifetime. We were planting seeds of change, the fruit of which we may never see. We had to be patient."

25. “I've been lucky enough now in my life to meet all sorts of extraordinary and accomplished people - world leaders, inventors, musicians, astronauts, athletes, professors, entrepreneurs, artists and writers, pioneering doctors and researchers. Some (though not enough) of them are women. Some (though not enough) are black or of color. Some were born poor or have lives that to many of us would appear to have been unfairly heaped with adversity, and yet still they seem to operate as if they've had every advantage in the world. What I've learned is this: All of them have had doubters. Some continue to have roaring, stadium-sized collection of critics and naysayers who will shout I told you so at every little misstep or mistake. The noise doesn't go away, but the most successful people I know have figured out how to live with it, to lean on the people who believe in them, and to push onward with their goals.”

Video from Evan Carmichael

See her books here:

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