Monday, April 12, 2021

Respect Over Revenge: Becoming the Hero of your Story

    In movies, heroes are always confronted with many trials, evils and such. Before knowing his own powers, before winning his battles, many challenges, criticisms, and troubles are met. This kind of story is no different from reality. Up to these present times, we have our own unique powers to discover on our own to live the life we dreamt of. Challenges and circumstances which seemed to be failing us are actually good opportunities that reveal our true potential, true power, and our true strength.

    To become a hero doesn't mean you need some fancy costumes and such. Overcoming fears, pushing ourselves to be stronger emotionally by facing challenges, serving not just other people but serving ourselves with justice and truth are good reasons enough to consider ourselves as heroes. On the other hand, escapism and avoiding such circumstance do not only waste opportunities for growth and self-improvement but also create self-limiting beliefs.

    Why do people succeed? Is it just because they dream about it? No. It is because they take action of their thoughts, committing to it, and not caring of what other people say or think about them. Their environment never affects how they should act, what they should do, and never let themselves be pushed from the likes and standards of the crowd. Instead, for they know that they are the creators of their reality, they are the ones affecting their environment, making a difference by trusting their own guts and feelings of what they think is right and what it seems to be their life purpose. Their happiness does not depend on anyone or anything. It is within themselves that they find their worth and value, living truly with their own unique standards, trusting their own knowledge and wisdom, and realizing their power. They never let anyone or anything slow them down towards their goals. They know exactly what they want and what they don't want, focusing mainly on the former and not wasting their time to care on the latter.

    Most people, when confronted with criticisms and challenges, will most likely to pursue the role of being the victim. These people want to gain other people's attention, filling  their cup by other's pity and seek allies to increase the number of people on their side, not knowing that it only proves how powerless they are, alone. Becoming the victim sure does feel great when someone is there taking your side. However, this limit our innate powers and creating a belief that when no one supports us, we are nothing. This also means that we really do not understand what has happened that it caused us to prove that we are the ones who were right when in fact, everyone has different perspectives and beliefs depending on how they see it, on how they believe it, and on how they have known it. This reminds me of a quote I read recently, that 

    "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound purpose, rather than the self kind of understanding." 

- Bill Bullard

    We should always remember that there are differences of how we see things from how other people see it. We cannot just jump into conclusions and tell other people that they are wrong just because it doesn't serve our beliefs. If stones are being thrown towards you, let them. Understand that their actions are just results of what they believe is right. Instead of throwing back those stones, offer them your understanding. Empathize and respect rather than seek revenge.

    The one who empathize becomes the hero of the story. So when a fight with someone comes in your way, when a challenge is up for you to slay, choose to become the HERO.

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