Thursday, February 25, 2021

Knowing Your Emotions: Your Guide Towards a Fulfilled Life

    Our emotions play an important role to create our life. Thoughts will only turn to things and reality once we put emotions into it. Our vibration also had something to do with our emotions. Fear, worry, desire, anger are all in the low level of vibration. Love, joy, peace, enlightenment, on the other hand, are all in the high level of vibration. Just like how cold air moves to the bottom and hot air goes on top, our vibration flows depending on the emotion we transmit. The more positive we are, the higher the level of vibration, otherwise, the opposite.

    Our higher selves, however, are located at the peak. Whenever we have negative emotions, we are getting further away from our higher selves that are closest to the "source" aka vortex. Our higher selves know the best for us. It knows who we are, what we are, and our purpose. It also knows everything from our past and the many possibilities in our future. Therefore, in order to communicate with our higher selves, enabling them to run and guide our lives, we must be always in the high level of vibration, thus, always feeling positive emotions as possible.

    Emotions also indicate whether we are inline with our true purpose. Low-vibrational emotions or energies appear when we do things opposite on our will and passion. On the contrary, the things we love doing boost our energies up, creating high-vibrational energies and positive emotions. This is a power given for us to track whether we are aligned or unaligned to our true soul's mission and purpose, the very first power we have since the day we were born.

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