Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Unraveling Your Life Purpose: Who Really Knows Why You Are Here?

    What people really want to remember unconsciously or consciously is the purpose of their life. Lucky are those who were at the young age was able to see what they are meant to be doing. However, many are still struggling to find out their own life’s purpose even when they reach the age of being an adult. The thing is, we all have different timelines and life journey. Even though we are all connected and we have one main goal of why we live, the purpose or the action to take, the path towards that main goal is different and unique than everybody else. 

        For some, their talents have been the key of what they should be doing with their life. Others, however, are being brought to people who can introduce them to their purpose at a given time. On the other hand, many are also neglecting what the universe has been telling them what to do because of many blockages. These blockages may be caused by our egos or the blueprint we made for ourselves that were based on the experiences and false-claimed truth due to resentment and many other else. People may find it hard to accept what our true life purpose with these egos and the false beliefs brought by how we are guided from the time we gain our consciousness up to the time we rely on it.

    It is crucial to ground ourselves and to remove all of those limiting beliefs to find what’s true for us. Only the person seeking consciously or unconsciously can tell what their life purpose is. Other beings can guide and help but only then when you’re awaken to your own true self can determine what you’re meant to be doing. And with this, comes along the connection to our higher selves. 

    Higher selves are the larger part of us who sees our divine journey clearly and concise. Each one of us has this higher self that is directly connected to the source – some call it God, Allah, universe; the most powerful thing that is. These higher selves exists even before we were born in this life. We are energies in the first place and energies can never be destroyed, it is always there; thus, agreeing to the concepts of reincarnation and us being multidimensional beings. Now, lets go back to what our topic really is. People are able to find their own life purpose by connecting to these higher selves When we are aligned to our self, we are able to communicate to our higher selves through thoughts, emotions, and circumstances.

    One good way of being aligned to it is by raising our own vibration. From what I said earlier, we are all energies and energies vibrate. Whatever we do, whatever our thoughts are and our emotions, it gives vibrational frequency that our environment can feel, thus, creating our reality. Raising our vibration means becoming aware of our feelings, not dwelling in negative emotions, without resistance. It is important to know that resistance comes along by forcing oneself to avoid something, thus, allowing them to enter, and becoming aware of it is the best thing to do. Maintaining the level of positive energy without resistance makes the key to unlocking our connection to our higher self. Meditating everyday, doing something what makes us happy, tagging along with positive people and filling our own cup with love are some of the things that raise our vibration. The higher our vibration, the closer we are to our higher self. When that happens, it’s now easy for us to know why we were born in this world – our life purpose.

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