Friday, August 7, 2020

5 Ways To Transform Your Life (and make it the BEST)

    Have you ever wondered why some people succeed while others don't? Why some people attract blessings easily while others don't? In this article, I've listed five hacks/habits successful people do to get the life that they wanted.

1. DISCIPLINE yourself

     The hardest part of trying to change to become a better YOU is to be in control of yourself. Your body does what you always do without thinking. It’s like an automatic machine where it translates an action as something that is “known” if it is always being done by your body, and when it is known by your body, it brings comfort.

    If you always get up at noon, then your body will then adapt to it causing you to make it a habit naturally. If you always look at your social media as the very first thing you do every morning then that will always be your morning routine. If you’re always being swayed by your friends, family, and relatives whenever you need to come up with a personal decision then all through time, you’ll be dependent to them. Repetition with mind and body is a very powerful ingredient in making one’s habit. If you think you have a habit of being lazy, if you think you have the habit of gossiping about someone or something, if you think you have the habit of procrastinating, then STOP that as soon as possible. Be in control of yourself and not be controlled by self. Self-discipline is a skill acquired and perfected by all successful figures in the world. Self-indulgence, however, is perfected by people who have lousy goals in life. As what Napoleon Hill have written on his book, Think and Grow Rich,

“If you do not conquer your self, you will conquered by self. You may see at one at the same time both your best friend and greatest enemy by stepping in front of a mirror.”

2. Handle FEAR correctly

     Fear is the biggest hindrance, the main cause why most people are still not able to reach their goals in life. They’re too scared of the results once they did a certain thing that they’re uncomfortable with EVEN THOUGH they still don’t know what will happen.

    Our brains are designed to protect us from what we think is risky so it is natural for all of us to feel fear. I don’t say we eliminate fear, what I’m saying is learn to handle FEAR. If we use that fear incorrectly, it may lead us to damage ourselves psychologically, emotionally and physically, BUT if we use that fear as our advantage to think of solutions, to have an urge or desire to remove the CAUSE of that fear, the main reason why we have that fear, THEN AND ONLY THEN we can say that we handle our fears correctly.

    Don’t let yourself be trapped inside that box of fear. Stepping outside the box might be unsafe or risky but the thing is, aside from you’ll able to see a better view of what life is, it opens you up to a lot of opportunities. Hiding yourself in that box, avoiding criticisms and absorbing other people’s judgments towards you will NOT make you grow. It only limits yourself and pushes you to be stuck in that same place, in that same version of yourself. Step out. Face it. Learn to push away that terror in YOU. 

    The only person who knows what you’re capable of is YOU as long as you BELIEVE in yourself. As Will Smith said in one of his interviews,

    “God placed the best things in life on the other side of terror.”


     Sounds impossible but yes, all who become successful people NEVER ever blame someone or something when they meet FAILURE. They know how to accept everything for they know that they are the ones who created their reality and not anyone or anything else.

    You must know that the only person responsible for your results is YOU. If something is not right with your income, if something is not right with your environment, if people keep talking behind your back, if you think your life is lousy, DON’T BLAME ANYONE, not the government, not the attitude of your friends, not the country where you are raised, not your parents, not the society you belong to, just DON’T BLAME. Accept the fact and change your thinking on how you can change yourself to not experience the same mistake again. I’ll repeat, CHANGE YOUR THINKING. You’ll never ever solve a problem with the same mind that created the problem as what Einstein said.

    There must be change in the way you think to have a different result. If you’re just going to focus that everything you experience today is someone’s or something’s fault, if you’re not going to change your thinking, then you’ll NEVER ever have the life you want, you’ll only have the life you deserved.

4. Express Gratitude

    Appreciate and be happy with whatever you have. They say, “Count your blessings and not what you’re lacking.” The more you think of the good things you have in your life, the more you attract good things to come in your life. In the same way, the more you think of the things you lack, the more you attract lacks coming in your life.

    The universe pushes back the things you pushes to it. If you think your life is miserable, then it’ll give you indications, situations that your life is miserable. If you think your life is full of abundance, it’ll give you abundance. The universe is listening and reflecting whatever you’re thinking and feeling. All successful people know this idea. They never ever dwell in negativity and instead of using their time to think of what they lack, they use that time to express their gratitude of whatever they have.

    Most of the successful figures today have their own journals where they can write on the things they’re thankful for EVERYDAY. It’s not just about money, promotion but everything, may it be little, that makes you smile. Practice expressing gratitude and you’ll be thrilled with what life has in store for you.

5. Never stop Learning

    Most of the people having a hard time with their life think they know ENOUGH. A sad fact is that majority of those people are those who graduated with highest honors and academically appreciated by many.

    Learning doesn’t end once you finish college, your masters or doctorate degree. You know what you know but you’ll never know something that you never insist to know. Knowledge is not basically written only in books, or in school but it also comes from experiences and failures. The acceptance of knowing that you don’t have enough knowledge is a skill only few people will try to acquire because nobody wants to be labeled as “stupid” or “idiot”. Those people with high pride will rarely accept defeat during conversations about topics “they know”. They’ll keep on defending their side, persuading you to agree with them.

    However, those few people who accept that they’re still lacking knowledge will keep their mouth shut and will listen to gain information. Ironically, these few people who know how to listen, who always seek for learning and knowledge, are the successful ones. They never skip a day without learning something new. They know that information is changing and can be obsolete.

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