Friday, November 5, 2021

Stop Chasing Money, Help People

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Money's being printed every day and yet a lot of people still lack money. Why do you think so? Today, I'd be sharing with you how to attract money in your lives instead of just chasing them.

I've been a big fan of many successful people - knowing their lives and the challenges they've been through that helped them reach the top of society.

I've been watching a lot of Youtube videos about such and somehow, I've discovered a lot of things...


The funny thing about money is that it doesn't have hands or legs that enable it to move around, and yet, it sure knows where to go.

'The poor get poorer, the rich get richer.'

It's not that money chooses where it wants to go (money doesn't live and doesn't have a brain in itself). It just happens that rich people know how to attract and control money whenever and wherever they want it.

Why do poor people lack money? Because they chase money as if though when they're not chasing money, it won't get into their possession.

It seems ironic at first not to chase money to have money. But as you grow within the process of acquiring knowledge and wisdom, that idea somehow gets clearer and simpler as time goes by.

Money starts in the mind. If you envision yourself having lots of money, you'll get it sooner or later, and you now don't need to chase after it (because you already have it).

The universe is composed of energy, frequency, and vibration. We are energy, money is energy, and everything us are all energies. At some point, we look different from one another due to frequency and vibration. We vibrate differently, and we somehow are in tune with a different frequency. So how are we going to attract money by knowing these things?

The answer is alignment.

Ask yourselves. Are we aligned to a frequency where money flows? Are your habits aligned to a frequency where there is a potential of having lots of money? Are you good enough, deserving enough, or worthy enough to let money flow in your life?

Photo from


One of the similarities I discovered through researching many different successful people is that - THEY HELP PEOPLE.

Their value increases as they give value to other people. Their worth increases as they give worth not just to themselves but also to other people as well.

Being a problem-solver to people's problems increases one's value in society. The more you help, the more people need you. The more people need you, the more you attract money to your life, giving you the benefit of acquiring money quickly.

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