Friday, November 12, 2021

14 Jay Shetty's Motivational and Self-Reflective Quotes That Could Bring Peace in Your Life

This image includes a quote from Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty was a former monk who's now an award-winning host, storyteller, and viral content creator. 

His video channel consisting of wisdom videos garnered over four billion views and gained 20 million followers globally, making him one of the most viewed people in the internet.

Today, I've listed his 14 motivational and self-reflective quotes that could bring peace in your life. Our best picks and a special video is down below so you might as well check it out. Enjoy.

This image includes a quote from Jay Shetty

1. "When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. But when you learn a lot, you realize you know very little." - Jay Shetty

2. "Remember, saying whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, is not freedom. Real freedom is not feeling the need to say these things." - Jay Shetty

This image includes a quote from Jay Shetty

3. "The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are." - Jay Shetty

4. "Cancers of the Mind: Comparing, Complaining, Criticizing." - Jay Shetty

This image includes a quote from Jay Shetty

5. "Actually, the greatest detachment is being close to everything and not letting it consume and own you. That's real strength." - Jay Shetty

6. "When you learn to navigate and manage breath, you can navigate any situation in life." - Jay Shetty

7. "When we look for the good in others, we start we see the best in ourselves too." - Jay Shetty

8. "Monks understand that routine frees your mind, but the biggest threat to that freedom is monotony. People complain about their poor memories, but I've heard it said that we don't have a retention problem, we have an attention problem." - Jay Shetty

This image includes a quote from Jay Shetty

9. "Location has energy; time has memory. If you do something at the same time every day, it becomes easier and natural. If you do something in the same space every day, it becomes easier and natural." - Jay Shetty

10. "If you don't break your ego, life will break it for you." - Jay Shetty

11. "Everyone has a story, and sometimes our egos choose to ignore that. Don't take everything personally - it is usually not about you." - Jay Shetty

This image includes a quote from Jay Shetty

12. "'I wish' is code for 'I don't want to do anything differently.'" - Jay Shetty

13. "It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others." - Jay Shetty

14. "The arrogant ego desires respect, whereas the humble worker inspires respect." - Jay Shetty

Video owned by Evan Carmichael

See his book here:

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